How to Pray
•Posted on January 14 2019

How to Pray
(1 Kings 18:41-46)
The prophet Elijah prayed, and the three and a half years of heavy drought has ended.
How powerful is his prayer?
I want my prayer to be such a powerful prayer as I pray.
What would be a powerful prayer?
I want to learn this through this prophet Elijah’s prayer.
Elijah prayed burying this face between his knees.
It shows how earnest his prayer was.
Earnest prayer is not easy prayer.
Prayer smeared with tears and sweat.
Prayer with whole heart and soul.
Ah… I do not know how light my prayers are.
Elijah was so eager that his head went down and went down,
in no time placed between his knees and reached the ground.
He offered this desperate prayer to God.
It was a prayer that God could not but hear.
He had only the absolute faith that God would listen to the prayer.
He had an absolute will to pray until God heard.
He prayed seven times.
He checked the rain clouds that God would send.
He prayed and checked, and prayed and checked…
There was nothing at first, nothing for the second time, and nothing for the sixth time.
But he did not give up or was not disappointed.
Finally, for the seventh time, God showed a cloud as small as a man’s hand.
When Elijah persisted to the end,
the good God showed a small sign.
However, Elijah knew how big sign it was.
He cried out.
“There will be a great rain. There will be a great rain.”
Faith is the eye to see the invisible future.
Those with this eye can pray without growing weary.
Though the prayer is like the pangs of childbirth, you can push because you know that a new life comes out.
The prayer of such a righteous man is powerful and effective.
The drought of the age was stopped by this one person’s prayer.
Lord, let me learn this prayer.
Let me pray like this.
I hope that I may be a beautiful one who can offer up this righteous man’s prayer to the Lord.
by Borah Lin
Teach me lord to get to say the righteous ways of prayers.
This is so to my heart,his prayer are so touching.
This is just what I need awesome.