Introducing our new brand name “Meek Ever”
•Posted on March 05 2018

If you are familiar with our website, you may know that this website is an online shop for Christian products, especially Bible verse T-shirts. Our previous brand name is “Emmanuel Love”, and we just changed our brand name to “Meek Ever”. I am going to explain the whole process here.
We love our previous brand name “Emmanuel Love” a lot because this name reminds us the love of our God and the love of Jesus. God is with us always, and what a comfort it is! One day, in a meeting, one team member brought up the question that whether it was good to use the name of Jesus "Emmanuel" as our brand name. We discussed seriously, and our final decision was that even though our ministry is to spread God’s words, we need show our respect to the name of Jesus. We need change our brand name.
Once we decided to change our brand name, we started with our vision. Our vision is Isaiah 11:9 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
The core of God’s knowledge is Jesus and his gospel. Then we thought about the sermon on the mount and eight beatitudes. One of our team members was attracted deeply by the word “meek”. When we meditated on this word, we knew it was the value we wanted to spread to this world. Meek refers to mildness, gentleness of spirit, or humility. Meek also has the meaning of submissive and obedient. Meekness is humility toward God and toward others. It is having the right or the power to do something but refraining for the benefit of someone else. Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." (Matthew 5:5)
It ’s because the arrogance of human being that we separated from God, and Jesus reconciled our relationship with God through his obedience. “ For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.” (Romans 5:19)
Like all of you, we are in great sorrow because of the Florida school shooting happened in 2/14, 2018. This is an age calls for peace, and to be meek is the way to have peace.
Be Meek always, be meek forever.
Meek Ever!
I noticed a spike in all the criminal shootings after they took Christ out of the schools and the school funding was hijacked and incidents where the kids had no Christ whatsoever. JUST SAYING! Christ was doing his job to prevent all that… Michael I AM. Schools you better wake up 😴⏰NOW!
Will you make me a gold T-shirt 2x or extra large with The 💡words- The 9 Letters of Christ! Are Online Now! RRA AND sell them for me so I can make a profit to get all my shirts “Free”
During a time of transition and pruning, I cried out to The LORD because all the noise around me was drowning Him out and had me wounded and stuck. As I cried out, I heard, Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God!” He has also given me, Jeremiah 30:17 “For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the LORD;
This is how I’ve come to Meekever and I believe I’m to purchase at least 7 t-shirts (various colors), one for each day as sources of meditation of His Word and promises. Do you have t-shirts also with Jeremiah 30:17 that I may purchase 7 also? I excitedly await your response. God bless you for your faithfulness.
May God Bless, Watch Over, Walk With, Place A Hedge OF Protection Around, Cover In The Blood of Jesus and Place His Coat Of Armor On Meek Ever, It’s Employee’s And Their Families. May Meek Ever Be Favored With God’ Peace, Love And May Your Ministry Proper and Grow As You Spread The God’s Word With Each Product You Sell In Jesus Name. Lord, We Join Together In Agreement Of All Prayers For Meek Ever And We Thank You In The Name Of The Father, The Son And The Holy Spirit Amen
I am 58 years old and God has given me creative abilities, I write,poems,songs, children books and more, I make copper bracelets and rings, but I don’t have the money to reproduce, I make Bible verse placemats and wallets, I do inspirational drawing and painting., I was treated for bipolar after I heard in my day, Go tell my people IAM still the same, I was the fourth man in the firey furnace, with shadreck,medshack and Abidnego, I was the still small voice that walked and talked with Adam in the cool of day and to you that only believe IAM that I AM.
That thought turn me around in the middle of the road ,and I began to study the Bible for the first time really study and I found our things that no preacher had told me I learned that I was supposed to Be a witnesses for Jesus Christ, I learned that we should have unity in the body with shared resources.every man get what he need when he need it.Can you help me sale what I have so we can be a blessing to others in word and deed , I was to show others the way to salvation and give them a job.
Just looking for t-shirts
Please add “ Meekness is not weakness but is strength under the control of God!”
Just saw you singing on Facebook, it so touched my heart. You are now added to my daily prayer list. May God continue to bless and keep you all in His precious arms. I will share your site with my friends & families. ❤️🙏🏽